Cattedra AIDAF-EY di Strategia delle Aziende Familiari in memoria di Alberto Falck
Guido Corbetta is Full Professor of Strategic Management and Senior Faculty in the SDA Bocconi Strategic and Entrepreneurial Management Department. He holds a degree in Business Administration and a PhD in Management from Bocconi University. He took part in the International Teachers Program at the HEC-ISA of Jouy en Josas and at the ISP Loyola University of Chicago (US). He is a member of the editorial committee of the Journal of Management Studies and the research applied board of the Family Business Review. Fellow of IFERA (International Family Enterprise Research Academy) and ICRIOS (The Invernizzi Center for Research on Innovation, Organization, Strategy and Entrepreneurship). His areas of scientific interest include: corporate strategy, family and medium size companies, companies in the fashion and design based sectors.
Held by - Guido Corbetta

Joint Purpose
The AIDAF-EY Chair in Strategic Management in Family Business in Memory of Alberto Falck was established in 2014 from the experience of the previous "AIDAF Alberto Falck Family Business Strategy Chair," set up in 2004 by Bocconi University. It aims to highlight the important role that the family business model plays both in Italy and internationally, as well as to study its specifics. The AIDAF-EY Chair, the first of its kind established in Italy, is supported by AIDAF (the Italian Association of Family Businesses), EY (Ernst & Young) and a pool of well-known family businesses in Italy. It is dedicated to the development of research, teaching and participation in institutional activities related to family businesses. The AIDAF-EY Chair and Bocconi University are a fundamental point of reference on these issues both nationally and internationally.
Core Activities
The AIDAF-EY Chair in Strategic Management in Family Business in Memory of Alberto Falck focuses its research efforts on the field of family business and entrepreneurship by contributing to the publication of articles, books, research reports and case studies. In particular, Prof. Corbetta has investigated - among numerous lines of research - the conditions and determinants of a successful business strategy, effective family and corporate governance, a succession process functional to the development of the company, and collaboration between family owners and non-family managers. With the support of AIDAF and Unicredit, the Chair also established its first Observatory in 2009 (AUB, acronym of AIDAF-Unicredit-Bocconi and also supported by the Italian Stock Exchange, Milan-Monza-Brianza and Lodi Chamber of Commerce and the Angelini Foundation) on all Italian family businesses with turnover exceeding €20 million. The AUB Observatory currently consists of the most complete and extensive research available in Italy on family-run Italian companies, and has the ambitious goal of representing the state of the art in terms of empirical knowledge on the leading family businesses in the country. The Chair is a member of IFERA (International Family Enterprise Research Academy) and FBN (Family Business Network) and contributed to the foundation of ITFERA (Italian Family Enterprise Research Academy).
The AIDAF-EY Chair in Strategic Management in Family Business in Memory of Alberto Falck's activities are enriched by the dissemination of Professor Corbetta’s and the AUB Observatory's research results thanks to participation in and organization of international conferences and workshops for researchers, entrepreneurs and managers of family businesses. Of particular importance was the proposal for a self-regulatory code for non-listed family-controlled companies in 2017 and the organization of the Family Business - Festival Laboratory of Family Businesses, organized together organized by AIDAF (Italian Association of Family Businesses), Corriere della Sera, and L’Economia.