
Opportunities for Companies and Foundations

There are over 100 companies that already collaborate with our University, sharing common goals and values: to build the society of the future, generating a positive impact in the world.

How? Through support for the next generations and the enhancement of the social sciences to find concrete solutions to contemporary challenges.

Some specific programs:

New experts with multidisciplinary expertise are needed to drive the transformation of organizations toward sustainability. The program aims to prepare professional figures who know how to:

  • recognize and understand the transformations required by sustainability in the main business processes
  • outline and guide systemic innovation processes

Bocconi University and Politecnico di Milano have assembled a dynamic and multi-disciplinary community of researchers, experts and professors who study, analyze and apply strategies, governance and assessment tools of cyber risk. The challenging study program they have devised addresses the key cyber-related matters faced by all types of organizations, every day.


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Structured programs and tailor-made partnerships that allow the business community and University to build a strategic alliance.