Donor Event 2023: An event filled with emotion and gratitude
Once again this year's Donor Event allowed us to thank all Bocconi Donors and share the impact of their generosity in terms of social mobility, inclusion, promotion of merit and support for research and knowledge production. Fundamental elements to contribute to the construction of an increasingly equitable and sustainable society.
Light-hearted moments, touching testimonies and stories of growth and achievement reminded us how crucial our Donors' commitment and support is to transform lives and create a better future.
The evening, which opened with a flash mob on the notes of "Mamma Mia" by the students of BLPSA - Bocconi Live Performance Students Association, continued with a speech by President Andrea Sironi and a video by Professor Achille Marzio Romani, who spoke about Bocconian philanthropy in the past, present and future of the Institution.
Professor Riccardo Zecchina, Vodafone Chair in Machine Learning and Data Science,- then demonstrated how the study and social sciences can contribute in concrete ways to the evolution of the world. The video testimony of a group of beneficiaries reminded us of the value of generational solidarity, and Riccardo Monti, Giancarlo Bruno and Riccardo Cavanna - Alumni and Donors - told of concrete gestures that changed their lives and the lives of many and many young people, a generosity with a multiplier effect.
Finally, Rector Francesco Billari and Fatima Haidari who shared their personal experience and testified to the transformative power of education, courageous choices and determination, elements capable of changing society life after life.
Each of them reminded us that everyone, with a gesture of generosity, can choose to be a changer. Everyone, like the Alumni, Donors and members of the Bocconi Community, whom we thank because together we are truly giving new value to tomorrow.
Donor Event 2023, June 14 - Giving Value to Tomorrow