Fondazione Romeo ed Enrica Invernizzi Chair in Behavioral Economics and Finance
Nicola Gennaioli is a full professor of finance at Bocconi University. He received his bachelor's and master's degrees from Bocconi University before completing his PhD at Harvard University. In 2018-2019, he was Visiting Professor of Economics at Harvard. He has also held positions at CREI (UPF) and IIES (Stockholm). He won trhee ERC grants in 2022 (Advance), in 2015 (Consolidator) and in 2009 (Starting). He was managing editor of the Review of Economic Studies. He has served as editor of the Journal of the Economic European Association. He has been appointed as a panel member of the CEPR Economic Policy Journal. He is also a fellow of the Econometrics Society. Professor Gennaioli's research focuses on Psychology and Economics and involves the development of psychologically based models of behavior, the testing of these models and their application in various fields, including Finance, Macroeconomics and Politics.
Held by - Nicola Gennaioli

Joint Purpose
The so-called "frontier" research is contaminating more and more areas of Economics and Finance, such as Macroeconomics, which has always focused heavily on the rational approach. Given the openness to Behavioral Economics and Finance, it seemed necessary to invest in this field. For this reason, the Invernizzi Foundation, a historical partner of the University, realized the strategic importance of this research area, establishing the Chair in Behavioral Economics and Finance.
Core Activities
The Chair's research activities will focus more on the analytical models of choice and opinion-making, based on memory and selective attention. Thereafter, the main focus will be on when such analytical frameworks are applied and how they compare with specific data in particular contexts, from price volatility in financial markets to consumer or voter choices.
Professor Nicola Gennaioli's rigorous research activities will also be supported by a significant teaching activity, as part of the courses taught by the Professor. These students will thus have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and develop new skills in the field of Behavioral Economics and Finance.
In the coming years, the Chair's activities will be further enhanced with the dissemination of Prof. Gennaioli’s research results through the participation in seminars and conferences organized by the most prestigious academic and institutional entities.